Wednesday, January 25, 2012

To resolute or not to resolute...........

I   don't  like  making  New  years  resolutions,  because  I generally   keep  very  few  of  them,  as  can  be  seen  from the  fact  that I  have  not  blogged  in over  two  weeks,  I  rest  my case,  I  did  decide  however  to  try......  being the  operative  word.......  to  be  a  better  person.    I  have  chosen  a  bible  verse  and  a  song  that  will be  my theme  for  2012,  and  decided  on a  few "key" areas  that  I  want  to  work, on......  need  to  work  on......  so  I  thought  I  would  share  with  you  all  so  that  you  can be my policemen  and  hold  me  accountable.

My  bible  verse  that  I was  drawn  to  for  this  year,  for  me  i  just  really says  it  all,  hope,  strength  and joy,  what  more  would  I  need

Isaiah 60:1
"Arise,  shine,  for your  light has  come, and the glory of the  Lord rises upon you

My  song  for  the  year about  relying  on God  and  not  trying  to do  things  on my own,  how  many of  us  are  guilty  of  that.....

A group  I  was  introduced  to  by Penny.....  thanks  Penny........  
Tenth Avenue North - By Your Side

Why are  you  striving  these  days
Why are  your  trying  to earn grace
Why are  you  crying
Let me lift up your face
Just don't turn away

Why are  you  looking for  love
Why are  you still searching as if I'm not enough
To where will you go my child
Tell me where you run
To where  will you run
Cause I'll be by your side
Whenever you fall
In the dead of night
Whenever you call
And please don't fight
Those hands that are holding you
My hands are  holding you

Look at these hands and my side
They swallowed the grave on that night
When I drank the worlds sin
So I could carry you in
And give you, life
I want to give you life

I  spent  the  second  week  of  January  doing  the  Daniel  Fast,  an  amazing  experience,  it  is  during  this  time  that  I had  a  few  "light bulb"  moments.  I  wanted  to  do  it  for  a  full  21  days,  but  after  the 7th  day  of  headaches,  I could  just  not  go on.

Message  number  One.........
You  need  to  change  yourself  as  you  cannot  change  anyone  else...........

"I'm starting with the man in the mirror
I'm asking him to change his ways
And no message could have been any clearer
If you wanna make the world a better place
Take a look at yourself and then make a change"

 Message  number  Two........................

Volunteer more:   The  bible  says  that  if  you  are  a  true  Christ  follower  that    we  need  to   our  neighbour  as  we  love  ourselves,  there  is just  so much  need  am  I  really doing  enough.
Message  number  Three..................

Life  is  about  balance........  Church,  family,  job, recreation......... in that  order

Message  number  Four............ 

Take a trip: Go somewhere I've  never  been  before
2012  the  year  of  change  bring  on 2012......  after  all at the  end  of the  day.........

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A night at the Oscars

I just  cannot  believe  that  it  is  over  2 months  since  I  last  blogged,  it  seems  just  like  yesterday, where  does  the  time  go I  think  my new  years  resolutions should  have  included   a  blog  a  week....  maybe  two  weeks... or....
Things  have  been  hectic,   there  is  so  much  that  I  want  to  share   about  whats  been  going  on,  a friends  21st,  a stork party,  my birthday  party, holiday  club  lessons,  bitten  by  a  poisonous  caterpillar,  I  didn't  even  know  there  was  such  a  thing,  extra  responsibility  at  work, writing  some  short  stories,  and  Kayla  writing  her  final  exams  of  high  school,  extra  maths,  extra  physics, extra,  extra,  lets  start  with  .....  the  21st.
I love  dressing  up,  I  think  it   is  so  sad  that more  people  don't  have fancy dress  parties, it  is  just  so  much  fun  to dress  up,  does  it really matter  that  much  if  you  look a  little  silly  every  now  and  again,  we were  all excited  when  we  got the  invite  shaped  like  a  piramid,  all done  in  gold  and  black......  the  theme  come  as  your  favorite movie  character..........  we  phoned  to  check  that  it  did  not  mean  dress up  like  the  stars  at the  Oscars,  but  no  it  was  fancy  dress.........  my favourite...........the  endless  possibilities.    I can  create  a  character  by throwing  something  together from  what  I  have  at  home  but  Kayla  wanted  to  hire  something......... not  sure  why  looking  stupid  is  better  if  you  have  paid  to  be  that  way........  I  suppose  it is  like  have  a  designer  dress,  oh  this  dress  is  from  Fantasia.. Well due  to time constraints  on the  day of  the  21s  we  started  looking  for  costumes  to  hire,  and  that  I would  be  able  to return  to  on Monday,  Kayla  wanted  to  go  a  Poccohontis she  was  so  disappointed  that  she  couldn't  get  the  boots  as  well,  but  no one  here  includes shoes  in the  outfit.

I  decided  to  go as  Mia  Farrow in the  Great  Gatsby,  I  really  should  have  been  born  in that  era  I  just  love  the  dresses  and  the  head  gear.

Kira  and  Jan   had  a  last  minute  crisis  and  ended  up going  as  Mickey and  Minnie  Mouse.

What  an  evening  it  was  such  a  fun  almost  everyone  dressed  up,  there  was   Sandy  from Grease  and  Sponge  Bob,  and  Moulin  Rouge and Twilight  and  Pirates of the  Caribean, some  people  obviously didn't  join  in  and  were  were  dressed almost  normal....  pity that  people  won't  just  laugh at themselves  once  in  a  while.  For  me the  best   was  the people  who came  as  the Rocky Horror  Show........  oh my goodness,  guys in  high  heels  and  fish net  stockings  are  just  too  funny for  words.......   within  minutes  of getting  there  they changed  to  takkies..   but one  guy  walked  in the  high  heels  the  whole  evening  one  has  to  wonder...
Great  evening,  great  food,  great  company.......... what  more  can  we  ask  for........


Thanks for popping in to my blog, i hope you enjoy reading it as much as i enjoy writing it, please pass it on to friends and family, and leave a comment to let me know that SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE, SOMETIME is reading it...