Sunday, July 1, 2012

Just Write

I  have  so  much  going  on  in my   head  at  the  moment that  even  I  get  dizzy  sometimes.  So  today  I  have  given  myself  the  day  off.......  and  I  am  feeling  extreme  guilty round  about  now,  even  though  I  have  done  4  loads  of  washing,  watered  all  the  pot  plants  outside  as  well  as all the  garden  beds,  I  have  tidied  the  house..........
Last  week  was  holiday  club  and  the  theme  this  holiday club was  Noah  and  the  Ark,  and  the  movie  for  the  older  children  was  Soul  Surfer  an  amazing  story,  and  even  more  amazing  was  the  fact  that  I  could  tie each  day  of  the  movie  into  the  same  theme  for  Noah  and  the  Ark,  the  movie  even  ends  with  a  rainbow.........  just  like  Noah  we  certainly  serve  an  amazing  God.  This  is  the  week  when free  of  charge  and  child  can  come  down  to the  church  for the  morning  every  day  for  a  week,  and  we  will  feed  them,  entertain them  and  teach  them.  Our  older  youth  become  the  teachers  for  a  week,  a  lot  of  work,  but  a  lot  of  fun  and  how  amazing  that  we  can  share  the  Lord  with  children  who  do  not  know who  he  is.
The  first  week  in  August  is  our  Woman's  Retreat  and  the  theme  this  year  is  Laughter......  we  have  got  a  laughter  therapist  coming  to  spend  the  first  evening  with  us  and  I  am  now  busy  putting  the  whole  weekend  together.
I  love  to  laugh ...............  and  am  convinced  the  only  reason I am  still sane  is  because  I  can  find  something  funny  in everything.   In  fact  I think  that  the  only  person  who  hated  my  laughing  was  my ex-husband  when  we  went  to  funny movies  or  shows he  would  constantly  be  telling  me  to  shhhhh....  shhhhhh.....ssshhhhh  ..............  which  of  course  would  just  make  me  laugh  more.   So  I  have  quite  a  lot  to  do  in the  next  few  weeks.  I  love  that  this  ministry  has  grown  and  every  year  we  get  more  and more  woman  who  want  to  come,  this  year  we  are  38 so  next  year  we  will  have  to  change  venues  as  we  have  reached  maximum  numbers  at  this  venue.
  I have a confession  ........  is  it  allowed  to tell  a policeman  that he is stupid....   i  stopped  at the garage  on the  way  to  work  on  Friday to  fill  up......... on  coffee just  got to  love  Mug  and  Bean  coffee  the  South  African  answer  to  Starbucks............  and  there  in the  parking  which  quite  clearly  shows  is  a disabled  parking  was  a  police  car  with  the "officers"  and  I  use  the  term  very  loosely   were  getting  out  of  the  car,  I  tried  I  really  tried  not  to  say  anything,  I  bit  my tongue  in the  attempt  to  be  quite,  I  wondered  how  many  unpaid  fines  I  might  have  that  they  would  have  a  reason  to  arrest  me..........  and  before  I  realised  it  I  said.........  Good  Morning  Officer  I  see    that  for  you  stupidity  is  a  disability.................  and  with  the  shock  still  on  their  faces  i  went  in  and  ordered  my  coffee............  now  God is  awesome in front  of  me  in the  queue  is another  policeman.........  so  I  bought  him  a  choc  chip  cookie........  hoping  that  once  they  ran  my number  plates......  he would  save  me.............                                                                                                                                                                     


  1. so what happened? this is a cliff hanger!
    thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  2. A laughter therapist sounds interesting.

    I hope the cookie worked!

  3. I need to hear the end of that story! I can't believe you said that...

  4. Oh My God!! That is one funny incident. It is amazing how well you handled that.

    I think being able to laugh is one of the best things that we are capable of doing. :)

    How are you?

  5. Now this is funny! I think it's awesome that you spoke up. Good job! My motto this year has been "just because you think it, doesn't mean you have to say it" just gave me a good reason to get a different saying! Thanks for the chuckle this morning!

  6. Funny story about your ex and your laugh. I have a terrible "cackle." Especially when I've been drinking. cringe.
    xo Cheryl

  7. My X used to hate when I laughed too! He was only happy when I was miserable, so - now that's why he is an X! My present hubby of 9 years enjoys sharing a laugh and he is so comical - I adore his little pranks and jokes! He is good medicine for me!

  8. There is not excuse for anyone other than disabled people parking in those places. Good for you. A badge does not entitle him.

  9. HAHAHA I tell you honey it seems you have a MS Pearl too. Goodness you are one brave soul talking to a Officer like that but I tell you they so deserved it. I think you must of really shocked them so bad they had no come back for you.
    Next time just take a picture and ask for their Captains phone number so you can send it to him by phone. hahaha
    No excuse for their stupidity.
    You know I love to laugh myself and miss it here lately but I rate it high on ways to stay healthy both mentally and physically.
    Your ex misses that laugh now and I am so glad he does. I bet you have a wonderful one.
    Love ya



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