Saturday, October 11, 2014

Raindrops and roses

""Raindrops  and  roses,  and whiskers  on kittens  bright copper  kettles  and  warm woollen mittens,  bright paper packages  tied  up with  string............  these  are  a  few  of my favourarite  things..........""

Each day  as  I  say  my prayers,  I remember  something  I read  about,  or  heard  which  made  a  big  impression  on me.

If  you  woke  up  tomorrow  with  only  the  things  that  you  had  been  thankful for  the  previous  day  then  what  would  you  have.

I am  thankful  that  I have  God  that  I  can trust  no matter  what

I am thankful  for  my family,  and  that  we  really  can  laugh  and  love  together,  this  my favouite  photo  I  had  it   blown  up  on a  canvas and  it  hangs   above  my bed.

My  organised,  artistic, talented daugher  and  the  light  of  my  life  Hayden  by  first  grandson.
My   baby girl   and  now  with  her  baby  Noah,  who   has  changed  all our  lives
And   the  Grand  Old  Lady my  old 100  year  old  house  which  always  needs  something  fixing,  but who  has  a  character  all  of  her  own,  when  you  get  here  you  never  want  to  leave.
I am truly  blessed...........  THANK YOU


  1. What a great thought to end the day. It makes one think a little deeper.
    I always say a Thankful heart is a happy heart.
    You have a beautiful family and now two grandkids.

    I bet somewhere in your 100 year old house, hangs a sign that says Bless This Home...


  2. Thanks for visiting my blog! Your house sounds amazing.

  3. Many blessings! Your house is really neat.



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