Saturday, June 19, 2010

FIFA....... I can say I was there........

The  FIFA  world  cup  celebration  concert  I  can say  I  was  there........  I was  even  on TV  if  you  knew  where  to  look,  does  that  make  me  famous....  We  had  to  leave  home  at  2o'clock  on the  Thursday  afternoon of the  concert,  because  no  vehicles  were  being  allowed around  the  stadium,  so  we  had  to leave the  car at a  Park and Ride  point.............  well turns  out  that  this  is  a  Park....  Walk....  Walk..... Walk... and  Ride  point,  from the  point where  we  left  our  car,  to the  point where  we  got on the  bus,  there  was  a  30 minute  walk,  which  is  fine  for  those  of us  who  are  now  fit ,  because  of going to  gym for the  past  7 weeks,  but  I  really felt  sorry  for  some of the people.

For  me going  to  the  Orlando  Stadium,  was  the  first  time  I had  ever  been  into  Soweto, I  had  passed  it  a  million  times,  going  to my  sister,  and  to  our  farm  in Koster,  but I had  never  been  brave  enough to  actually go  into it.  There  was  police  everywhere......... which got me thinking that  maybe  this  was  not such a  good  idea  after  all........  but the  people  were  friendly,  trying  to either  make  a  quick  buck,  selling  all kinds  of  paraphernalia  or  the  usual  begging  for  the  change  in  your  pockets....
I am  water  addict  so had taken two  bottles  with me,  which  were  taken  away  from me,  although the  ticket only said  no  glass  bottles,  they  were  insistant  that  nothing  could  be  taken inside,  I  then  bought  another  two  bottles,  inside,  and the  lids  were  taken  off,  you  were  not allowed  unopened  bottles  in the  stadium......  who  thinks  up  these  rules...........
We  found  a  little  spot  where  we  could  stand.........  stand  being  the  operative  word  here,    my  used  to be  husband  had  bought  the  tickets,  and as  usual  they  were  the  cheapest  he  could  buy,  which  means  we  were  not  one  of  the  "chosen ones"  who  had  a  seat,  we  had  to  stand.......  have  you  ever  tried  standing  for   6 hours,  I  can  tell you my  feet  would  not  talk  to me  the  next  day,  which  happened  to be the  day  we were  supposed to  leave  early  to  go to Clarens  for the  weekend.

Well  the  show  started  at  4pm,  and  at  about  4.05pm  although there  was  no smoking signs  everywhere  the  people  lit  up,  and  puffed  away  with  no regard  at  all,  for the  children  in the  stadium,  no regard  at  all for  those  of us  that  don't  indulge  in this .........  @#$% the police  would  go  past  they  would  hide  there  cigarettes,  I  have  to admit  I  "split" on them  a number  of times,  showing  the  policeman  who was  smoking,  but  just  gave  up in the  end ,  and resigned  myself  to  passive  smoking  for the  rest  of the  evening,  how  do we  expect  to have  a peaceful co -existance with  our  fellow  man,  if  we  do  not  respect  firstly the  law of the  land,  no  smoking in public  places   and  secondly  the  rights of  all individuals  to  fresh  air.
At  6.30  my  phone  rang,  and it was  my  eldest  daughter,  she  had borrowed  my  car  to pick  up some grass for the  horses  and when  she dropped  it  off at  home,  she  disturbed  some  "robbers"  inside  the  house............   we  were lucky  the  only  damage  was  3  broken  window,  they  just  kept  going around the  house  breaking them  until they  found  one  they  could  squeeze through,  they  took  the  set  of  house  keys  that  were  lying  on  the  table,  and  took  R 40  out of  my daughters  wallet,  leaving behind,  her  cell phone,  her psp,  and  her  ipod........
I must  say  this  spoiled  the  evening,  and  we  really just  wanted  to  come  home,  you can imagine  the  delay,  getting home  with  44000  people  all having  to catch  buses,   we  left  at  about  10.30pm  just  to  miss the rush,  this  of  course  meant  we  missed  some  of  the  bigger  acts  but  by then  I  really could  not  stand on my feet   anymore  anyway,  and  we  had  really  seen  the  majority of the  people  that  we  went to see.

We  were  given  a yellow   card  when  we  parked  our  car  and  told to  hell the  bus  driver  we were  in the  yellow  parking,  so that  he  would  drop us  off  at the  right  car  park..........  well  unfortunately  they  forgot to  give the  bus  drivers  the  same  instruction,  and  because  we  didn't want  to  get lost in the  middle of the  night  in Soweto,  we  opted  to be dropped  back at  the  bus  station,  and  the  long  cold  walk  back  to our  car........  and the  long  ride  back  to our  abused  house........  which was  being  protected  by a  guard  until we  could  get  home............
This  could  only  happen  in  Africa................But  at  least  one  day  I can  say  I was  there........................


  1. What a night!!!! i am so sorry for the robbery attempt... Argh!!! these things don't only happen in Africa.. i can assure you of that... and everything that you mentioned here in this post- reminded me of the situation here as well.... but atleast you caught of something good... Love you.... Muah I hope that things fall back to their normal phase soon....

  2. First time visitor... and I see my friend Ratz has visited too... I am South African, and what you wrote I have experienced 10 years ago before I left and my parents are still going through... only I now live in USA. Please look after yourself, I worry about my family all the time... hopefully the World Cup will help the economy if nothing else...

  3. Wow! Some excitement! Please be careful, my dear bloggy friend.

  4. Holy Moly what a night! House robbed too! I'm glad you're OK and I wonder if they knew you'd be gone and that's why your house was picked? I'm glad you had a good time before that and being in such good shape to walk and stand for ever!

  5. What a horrible thing to have your home broken into. I'm glad that your daughter wasn't attacked and I'm glad that you got to see this event and that you can say that you were there. Personally I hate crowds and stay away from them and I might watch from the comfort of my TV now and then. JB



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