Tuesday, July 13, 2010


I  received  this  poem  today,  and  I  really just  wanted  to  share  it  with  all  by blogger  fiends.......... I  already  shared  it  with  my  bestest  friend and  my best  friends,  you  may  not  know  it,  but  in the  difficult  times  over  the  past  months,  when  I   was left  with  no  option  but  to  file  for  divorce,  you  all helped  to  keep  my head  held high,  and  gave  me  something  to  look  forward  to,  your  blogs,  each  and  every one  special  in your  own  way,  to my darling  Ratz,  you  have  your whole  life  ahead  of you and you  will go  far, you  are  smart ,  kind  and  considerate,  to Yaya,  who  I  wish  my children  had  the  good fortune  to  have  as  a  grandmother,  they  never  had  any of their  own, to  my pillar  of strength  Maggie for  her amazing  strength and wicked  sense  of humor,  who  did  me the  honor  of  inviting  me  to  do  a  guest  blog ........  which for  me   is  better  that  winning  an  Oscar........  and  means  so  much  more.......   have  a read at http://grandmayellowhair.blogspot.com.......I  am still  not  over  my castle  experience........  to Pennie  my  spiritual inspiration............ and  to  all those  who  are  part  of  my blogging  family  this  is  for  you.......

                I FORGOT...                               
                    I forgot what life is all about ...                   
                     I forgot what it meant to cry ...                    
                    I forgot that pretending to be happy                  
                         Doesn't make you happy ...                       
                      And that pretending to be smart                     
                         Doesn't make you smart ..                        
                I forgot that you can't just forget the past              
                         In fear of the future ...                        
                      I forgot that you can't control                     
                             Falling in love ..                           
                     And if you really do fall in love,                   
                     Then you can't make yourself fall                    
                               OUT of love ..                             
                       I learned that I can love ....                     
                   I learned that it's okay to mess up ..                 
                      And it's okay to ask for help .                     
                     And it's okay to feel like hell .                    
                 I learned it's okay to complain and whine                
                  To all your friends for a whole day ...                 
                   I've learnt that sometimes the things                  
                               You want most,                             
                            You just can't have.                          
                    I've learnt that the greatest thing                   
             About life isn't the parties or the hook-ups ....            
                        I've learnt that sometimes,                       
                       The things we want to forget,                      
                            Are the things that                           
                         We most need to talk about                       
                               But basically,                             
                      I've just learnt that my family                     
                                And  friends                              
                    Are the most important people to me                   
                          In the entire world ...                         
                                   AND ..                                 
                               Without you,                              
                        I wouldn't be who I am today                      


  1. Great poem Karen..thanks for wanting me to be a YaYa for your family, I'd be honored! Your such a sweetie and I know life will only keep getting better and better. You have friends all over the world who love you and haven't even met you face to face!

  2. What a nice surprise for me to find this when I dropped by this evening. I stopped in to thank you again for doing your wonderful wonderful story. Everyone loved it just as I did.
    I am the one that is honored that you would take the time to do this for all of us. But I have to admit reading these kind words about me have me smiling from ear to ear. Something I have not done to much of today.
    What a blessing that our paths have crossed. Just wish we lived closer so I could help you!
    I am though just a email away and know that you are an exceptional woman and always remember that
    Love your poem and I needed that too today.

  3. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful poem!

  4. your recognition of friends being there for you was very touching, that's a great poem. wish the best for you.

  5. Beautiful, Karen!!!!! And I am honored! Our relationships are valuable. Faith, hope and love and wonderful gifts God gave us, but the greatest of these is love...even God said so! That never rings truer than when you're in a crisis, am I right? Been there, bloggy friend! Blessings!

  6. Hi
    thanks for your comment on my blog. I Love the poem, very pretty. Friends are very important in our lives.
    Now following you.


  7. I love your poem. You tell it like it is. JB

  8. Oops I thought that I left a comment but it disappeared... I love your Poem and you tell it like it is. You are a strong woman. JB



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