Monday, August 2, 2010

Musical Notes

Lets  start  from the  very  beginning,  a  very  good  place  to  start when you  read  you  begin  with  ABC  when  you  sing  you  begin  with  Doe Ray  Me,  the  first  three notes  just  happen  to be  Doe  Ray  Me.............

  I  cannot  believe  how quickly  the  woman's  ministry  tea's  come  around,  a  couple  of  Saturdays  ago,  it  was  time  for  another  one,  and  the theme  this  time  was  musical  notes.....   and  yes everything  was  about  music.  My  friend Cherry  and  I organise  a  tea  4  times  a  year,  and  I  drive  her  nuts,  God  is  good,  just  as the  arrangements  for the  tea  we  are  doing  are  finished  then  he  gives  me  the  theme  for the  next  one........

Why  do  we  as  woman,  think  that  we  have  to  act  grown  up.......  when  deep  down  inside  we  are  all children  who  want  to  be  protected,  wanted  to  be  loved  unconditionally and  really want  to get  down  and  dirty and   have  some  fun.........  who  says  that  Christians  are  miserable  party  poopers.........  they  just  never  have  been  to  HMC............

We  first  took  all the  ladies  back  to  Sunday  school  remember  all those  songs  with  the actions,  well  we  had  30  ladies  doing  just  that.................  and  boy  did  they  look  ridiculous...........  and  did  we  laugh,  in  the  beginning  they  were  a  "little  stiff"  but  by  the  third  song........  well what  can  i  say......... they  did  their  Sunday  school  teachers  proud.

Then  we  played  a game,  where  I  would  give  them  the  first  few  notes  of  a song,  and  they  had  to  guess  what  song  it  was..................  with  different  points,  depending  on how  many notes  they  needed  to  recognise  the  songs...........  and  I   trusted  them  to  do  their  own  marking,  and  points........ mmmm......  lets  just  hope  that  they  all put  their  Christian  values  to  good  use........  mmmmmmmm... choosing  the  songs  was  something  of  a  problem  and  then  I  found  a  CD  that  had  all the  best  songs  on  from well  known  musicals,  I  had  to  have  a  quick  course  on how  to  do  this  on  my lap  top,  and  with  some  help  pulled  it  off...........  and  learnt  a  new  skill  as  well,  what  more  can  we  ask  for..

Pass the  parcel   was  a  riot,  with  people  doing everything  not  to  be  stuck  with  the  parcel  when  the  music  finished,  at the  end  of the  day,  we  are  all children  at  heart.

Kareoke,  well  Idols  have  got  nothing  on  us....... give  these  ladies  a  microphone  and  you  can't  get  them  off  the  floor,    we  played  in  teams  of  four  and  as  I  didn't  have  4  microphones,  the  "things"  people  are  holding  in their  hands  are  sweets,  that  just  happen  to  look  like  microphones...

And  then  the  grand  finale...........  musical  chairs..................  oh  my  goodness.............  the  sweetest  of  ladies  became .........  well  .............  I  was  very  surprised,  in  the "heat"  of  the  moment  one  of the  ladies  landed  on the  floor  as  she  was  "gently"  pushed  off the  chair,   and  there  were  a  number  of  "moments"  when  the  "larger"  ladies    claimed  their  chairs.........

Lots  of  laughter  and  lots  of  fun.....................  and  more  than  anything  a  building  block  in the  uniting  of the  sisters  of  Christ..........  we  all at the  end of the  day  want  the  same  things,  to  be  accepted  for  who  we  are...........  warts  and  all.


  1. Oh my does that look like fun! You are sooooo clever. What a great idea that I might just have to snag for a ladies church night...and I believe that it doesn't take getting drunk to have a good time...usually with a group of fun women you wouldn't know the difference! The Lord wants us to be happy and enjoy music and dance and hit all three for sure! Good Job!

  2. Oh this is so much fun.... I am so glad to be read this post.... And you are so so right when you said we are all children... this is just so great.. :-D

    I feel so happy dear Karen... Been trying so many different things so far and i am really glad....

  3. Karen what a fun post. These women are so lucky to have you in their lives.
    What a difference you have made in mine and look how far apart we are my friend.
    Loved reading this and glad you shared it with us.
    Wish I could of been there

  4. How fun! That looks like a great time, Karen!!!



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