Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My passion

The  most powerful thing  you  can  do to change the world, is to change your own beliefs about the nature of life, people, reality, to something more positive......and begin to act  accordingly.

I  have  two  beautiful daughters, who have been  blessed  all their  lives  with having  pretty,  much  everything  that  a  child  wants,  not  necessarily  needs,  had the latest  gadgets,  the  latest fashion trends, cell phones  as soon  as we would  allow  it,  cars  when  they  reached  "the age"  of   road rage............  but I also  have  two  "sons" ,  two  young  boys,  who  through  no  fault  of  their  own  have  been  left  to fend  for  themselves  in  life,  boys  whose  lives  have  been  altered  beyond  anything  you  can  imagine because of HIV/Aids.  Children  who  had  to go to school  hungry,  because  there  was  nothing  to  eat,  when  my children  told  me there  was  nothing to  eat,  they  meant  no chips,  sweets  and  chocolates,  but these  children  have nothing  to  eat........  
I think  I  would  not  find  it  so heart wrenching  if there was one  or  two because  then  you  know  you  could  help  them,   but when  you  go into  the  area's  where  they  live,  there  are  100's  so much so  that  you  have  to harden  your  heart,  and  concentrate  on just the  few  that  you  are  helping,  because  it  is  no use  helping  if  you  cannot  do  it  on an  ongoing  basis  so  you  help  who  and how you  can.
And my  head  tells  me  there  are  a million  reasons  why  their parents put them in this  situation,  some  of  them  beyond  their  control I  understand that.........  but  if  you  cannot  feed  one  child  then  why have  two,  three,  four,  five,  six  children .................... and  I  realise  that  to  them  it  is the  children  that  are  their  wealth........  possessions  mean  nothing...........  only  the  number  of  children............. and  if  not  for  them  how  would  we  fulfill our  obligation  as  Christians   to feed  the  poor,  look  after  the  orphans  and  widows............
One of the  full time  employees  of  Indawo  Yosizo  was  at  a  "shack"  the  other  day,  and  that  is  really what  it  is  pieces  of  metal  out  together  to form  some  type  of  protection  from the  elements,  6 people  living  there  with  one  mattress a  young  baby  with  no  nappies,  and  no food  in the  house,  the  congregation came to their  rescue  with  household  goods, clothes, blankets   but  this  is  one  of many...........
At  least  these  two  boys  I  know  will always  have something to  eat......  provided  they  go to  school...... I  know  that  care  givers  will call and  them  and  make  sure  they  are  okay......  but  what  about  the  others.........

Siphiwe Mlotshwa  10  years  old                                 
  Malinga Xolani  14  years  old


  1. That tore at my heart strings...thank the Lord for the kindness of people like you and the churches in all the world that try so hard to help. There is scripture that says: "when you do it unto the least of these, my brethren, you do it unto me". We really have no need to complain about life do we?

  2. Very thought provoking! There's one particular person in my house who is often saying "There's no food." Because there's no tempting food just at that moment. It does my head in.

    I hope your boys make it to school every days and get food. What happens in school holidays?

  3. it is heart wrenching Karen. I couldn't think of anything to say... but like the saying goes- we need to begin at some point and probably that way we can reach out to large numbers... i hope it comes true in this case. it will happen, i am sure.

  4. School holidays are often a problem, some of the children just live too far and have to do without.

  5. Wow. I live in such a sheltered corner of the world. I've never known poverty - I don't know that I've ever SEEN it - certainly not like anything you've described!
    My "feeding the hungry" is making sure I help stock the food shelves in my town, and helping those who are low-income that are in my ministry (but certainly NOTHING as extreme as you've described - more like families who cannot make their mortgage or utilities payments because of lost jobs or husbands called into the military or a medical emergency). We also give to charities...but I've never done anything hands-on, because I've never been in that environment. I guess we all have our areas that we are called to. I'm certainly blessed to read this post! What a wonderful thing you're called to, Karen!



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