Saturday, September 24, 2011

Okay I am Spoiled

BRMMMMM .........  BRMMMMM ..........BRMMMM
Every now  and  again  you  have  one  of  those  AHA  moments..........  well this  week  I had  one of those  moments  I  realised  that  I am  blessed.........
When  I  went  to  Durban  in July  on the  way  there  I  had  a  little "disagreement"  with  a  pole,  there  I  was  minding  my own  business  and it  jumped  out from  behind and  attacked  me,  well  that's  my  story  and I  am sticking  to  it.................. so  I  had  a  lovely  little  dent  and  some  scratches on  the  drivers  side  of the  car  and  there  is  nothing  I  hate  more  that  a  dented  car.
Well  this  week  was  the  week,  when  off my  baby  went  for  a  make  over  and  some  panel  beating  and  I was  given  a  loan  car  while  the  deed  was  being  done............  I  cannot  believe  that they  had  the  cheek  to  actually call it  a  car..........
They  gave  me  a  car  with  no power  steering,  with  no air conditioning,  with  no  central  locking.  On  getting  back  to the office  it  took  me  15  minutes  to  get back  into my parking bay ,  because  I  work  for  a  chemical  company,  we  have  to  back  into  our  parking  bays  so  in the  case  of  a fire,  or  a  chemical  spill  we can  all leave  the  premises  quickly....  15  minutes  later  this  tiny  little  car  would  not  go into the  parking, it was  almost  as  though  it  had  a  mind  of its  own I  think  I must  have  done  a  100  point  turn to get  into the  parking.
On  the  way home   I  was  battling  with  the  gears  and  my daughter  had  her  head  out  of the  window  screaming to  her  friends  in the  car  next  to  us  "HELP ME,  HELP ME".......................
The  next  morning  I  decided  that  this  car  was  not  going  to  beat  me so  in I  got............. and  I  became   Michael  Schummaker  ............  I  was  throwing  that  car  around  the  corners,  I was  driving  with  attitude,  and  there  I  was  racing  along  the  high way,  I  was going  so  fast  the  car  was  shaking  from the  speed,  the  wind  was  blowing  in  from  all  the  internal  ventilation holes,  I  mean  who  needs  an  air conditioner  when  you  can  have  natural  wind  blowing  in the  car,  I  was  going  so  fast  my  hair  blowing  in the  wind,  WOW  I  thought,  this  little  thing  really  flies,  and  glancing  down  at the  speedometer  I  was  that  I  was  doing  a  mind  blowing  ............. 80km  an hour................. in a  120 km zone,   no  speeding  fines  for  me  this  week.........  which  is  a  good  thing  after  the  two  I  got  last  week.....................
 On  Thursday  I  had  to  go  back  to the  lawyer  in Johannesburg..........  more  legal  stuff..........  no  problem   I  mean  I have  a  Garmin.......  except  this  little thing  that  they  call  a  car,   has  no place to  put  the  charger,  and  there  i  was  driving  along  with  no idea  where  I  was  going...................... and  I  had  an  appointment  at 8.30am  luckily  someone  gave  me  great  instructions  and  I  arrived  with 5 minutes  to  spare.
One  great  thing  about  this  car  is  that  I  will either  die  of  dehydration  from  the  heat  or  lose  a  really lot  of  weight........  maybe  that  could  be  a  selling  feature  in their  next  advert...........
Every  night  from  now  on  I  will  add  to my prayer  list  of  thanks,   thank  you  Lord  for  my car.........  I am  truly  blessed..................

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Last Hurdle

I cannot  believe  that  in  a  few  months  my "baby"  will be  out  of  school,   the next  few  months  are hectic for  her,  at the moment  she  is  busy  with  prelim  exams,  which will last  until the end  of September and then in the middle of October she starts  her  finals,  and then all done. For  me  I am  really enjoying  pottering  around  the  garden,  and the house  rearranging and  fixing  and  painting,  all friends  know  that we  are  a  red  zone  for the  next  few  months..............  peace  and quiet...........  I  could  really get  used  to  this.
Before the start  of the prelims  the school had their matric farewell,  as usual  her  school  cannot to  things  "normally"  like  other school, where  the  the children  take  partners  with,   at Kayla's  school they have a sit  down  banquet supper  for the  parents. They  feel  the parents  paid  for  12  years  of education  so  why should  some  boy reap the  rewards........  got  to love their  thinking.
They  had  it  on a Thursday evening  in a beautiful place  called  Summerplace,  the same place  I went to  a wedding  at the  beginning of the  year.  The  theme  for the  evening was "Fly like an  Eagle"  so everything had a eagle  theme  very  well done  I  might  add,  on the  tables  were  nests  filled  with  chocolate eggs and  fluffy little  yellow  chicks,  they had a constant stream of pictures  from a  projector on the walls.
The  girls  and guys  all  looked  beautiful  with their  long dresses............  and some not so long .......  I wish  that  shops  would have a siren  when you leave the shop that  scream out .......... warning,  warning,  you are in danger  of making a fool of yourself.........  you cannot wear that..........  you cannot  wear that.........  tree stumps  do not look good  in mini's............. worse  still how  can  a mother  allow  her  child  to wear such a dress.
My designer  friend  Cherry  made  Kayla's  dress  and although  we  had  some "moments"  with  the  zip  she  looked beautiful.

My  daughter  goes  to a  Seventh Day Aventist  Christian  School,  and  they believe  in being  vegetarian,  obviously the people  at  our  table  had  not  read the  invitation  they  were  ready  to  phone Macdonald's  for  takeaways  when  they  heard  what was  on the menu, I really  enjoyed  it,  although  fail to see the  need  to  have  "fake" steak  and  "fake" chicken as  part  of the buffet. The  people  on our  table  were  definitely  meat  eaters, and  left  most  of there  food,  when  it  was  time  for  dessert   they   believed  me  when  I told them  the  desserts  were  also  "vegetarian"  .................  do  you even  get  vegetarian  desserts,  some people  will believe  anything.
 We were  on the  table with  some  interesting people, the gentleman  next  to me  with  a  name  to long and to  difficult  to remember  and  I  had  the  same  sense  of  humour  and on a few occasions  during the night  he  had  to  leave  because  we  were  laughing  so  much..........  when they evening  was  over   they  wanted  our  details  so that  we  could  get  together  again......  it was  fun......  much  more  fun  than  having  to get  up at 4.30am   the  next  morning  to  go  to  work.........
It  would  have  been  great  if  Kayla  could have  had  both of her  parents,  there................


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