Tuesday, February 9, 2016


Today  after  church,  we  popped  in  at the  Harvard  Café  for  a  cold  drink,  and  a  quick  snack.
It  is  a  lovely  little  restaurant  next  to  the  runway  of  a  small   airfield. So  you can  sit  and  watch  the  private  planes,  and  helicopters  landing  and  taking  off,   we  were  lucky  enough  to  see  the  pilots   of  an  aerobatic  show   team  Torro  land,  in their  old  fashioned  planes.

 While  Kayla  was  taking  Noah  to  see the  aeroplanes,   I  sat  and  watched  the  people. Which  I  must  admit  is  one  of  my  favourite  things  to  do,   what  can  I  say  I am  a  restaurant  stalker.  There  were  two  ladies  sitting  some  distance  from  me,  and  the  one  lady  was  getting  so agitated,  and  emotional  that  her  hands  were  flying  around  in all directions, from  where  I  sat  she  looked  like  a  giant  windsock with  her  hands  being  blown  around  in all  directions,   she  was  reliving  an  experience  and  demonstrating what  happened  hand  movement  by  hand  movement,  her  face  said  it  all,  it  was  almost  shining  like  a moon,  round  and  full  of  light,  full  of  joy  and  laughter  they  kept  high  fiving  one  another  when  she  was  getting  to  the  highlights  of  her  story,   the  really  good  parts.    

It  got  me  thinking as  Christ  Followers  we  are  expected  to  be  different,  we  are  expected  to  stand  out,  to be  a  beacon,  a  shining  light.  Romans  12:2  tells  us  to  not  belong  to the  things  of  this  world,  so  how  do  we  do  that..........  how  do  we  stand  apart,  stand  tall  wherever  we  are  and  I  realised  it  all  has  to  do  with  our  FACE.  As  Christians,  we  have  the  joy  of  Christ  in us,  leading  us  and  guiding  us  so  what's  not  to  smile  about.........  so when  another  stalker  is  watching  me,  what  is  my face  saying........  I  hope  the  love  of  Christ,   that  a  have,   shines  through  that  people  know  I  have  IT>>>>>>  and  they  would  like  to  have  IT  to.....  After  all  who  else  can  say  they are  the  Royal  Daughter,  Heir  to  the  Throne  of  their  Heavenly  Father...  whats  not  to  smile  about....  what  does  your  face  look  like..... I  wonder...



  1. I love people watching in a restaurant, also - it's so entertaining!! this is my first visit to your blog and I am enjoying it very much - your writing is wonderful!

  2. I enjoy seeing people whoa re happy. Have you ever nnoticed how contagious joy is?

  3. One of my favourite thing to do when I'm out in public is also observing people. Sometime it's sad seeing an old couple who are in a restaurant facing each other while eating but don't have anything to talk about with each other, staring blankly at a distance, feeling totally disconnected. I also watch how people walk and I can tell a bit about them by the way they walk and act. I observe body language, it's a fun thing to do and I'm glad I'm not alone.

    I would rather be seen as joyful and friendly even when I don't feel well.

    That's a neat little cafe by the way.
    Have a great week Karen.



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