Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Great Debate

I am not sure, what "mad" moment fills me with the need to organise a ladies tea, i am not sure if it is the power of getting everyone together, or the organising everything so it works like clockwork, or the fact that it completely takes me out of my comfort zone, i have never been a tupperware and tea party lady, but Christ has other ideas for me, he just keeps on pushing and pushing until i am not sure anymore what my comfort zone is, and he just lays these mad ideas across my heart and i just know that it will succeed.
Today was The Great Debate Tea, it was all based on a newspaper theme, everyone had a newspaper, a note pad and a pencil, we started off the day with a quizz, just to break the ice and get everyone to relax, i gave everyone a list of questions to answer, all answers were to be found in the newspaper, some times in the adds, in the classifieds and sometimes in the headlines of stories, in the beginning it was very quiet as people were taken out of their comfort zones, but as the minutes passed the "buzz" increased, the talking and laughter began, when i called that it was almost time, what a pleasure to hear that they wanted to continue, they wanted to find all the answers, they were having FUN, they were bonding getting to know one another, helping one another.
Then we started the Debate, i made it quite clear in the beginning, that although my friend and I were debating the worlds side, it was not what we believed, it was just to debate to get the conversations and arguments going....................
And so the first question came up, and we did our world thing..................... we really went to town, in fact one of the ladies said we should have had the TV cameras there our acting was so good............ in fact our acting was too good, one little old lady was horrified at our answers, she just could not understand................. eventually we got through to her that our side was the game, and the bible side was the one that she needed to listen to, she still however kept looking at me as though i had grown horns, and was definately going to a much warmer place than heaven........................
We had the bible table, set up in white, with crosses and religious books, bibles, and wreaths, and bookmarks with deep meanings ................................................
The world table om the other hand, we had set up in black, with Heat magazines, with bottles of wine, with ashtrays ( which had ash in we had to get the car guard to have a smoke because none of us smoked, he also did not understand) with bottles of tablets, with masks and witches hats................................
We took questions from the ladies, and boy did we get some difficult questions, some of the questions were really deep, and it was amazing how because no one would know who asked the questions how people opened up, how they asked things that they have been harbouring inside for some time, ask questions that were relevant to a lot of people.
It was really hard to be on the world table, we kept wanting to be the good guys, we kept wanting to give the right answers, we kept wanting to give the "white table" replies,, we were blessed by having two really amazing ladies on our white table, two amazing woman who know there bibles, but also were able to read beneath the messages and answer those questions as well........
What an amazing afternoon............................. next tea, Adopt a Granny tea................... see you there............................

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