Sunday, September 27, 2009


I am so tired, i feel like the bunnies that do not use duracell batteries, like i have been zooming around for weeks, and now just as i get close to the finish line my batteries are running flat..........
The last month has been really hectic both at work and with all the ministries i am involved in at church. Work was caused by the fact that i only worked 6 days last month, and really needed to put my nose to the grind stone this month, which just happened to be the month when i was really busy with ministries at church, and i have to wonder whether this is God at work or satan, trying to do everything in his power to make sure that i do not have everything ready for the woman's retreat that i am helping to lead in TWO weeks time..........
First it was the new members breakfast, then it was the ladies tea and debate, at the same time was two evening services and today was a service at the Youth camp, i feel like i have been drained of all reasonable thoughts, all inspiration and certainly of all desire to actually do something........... i feel like curling up in a ball and sleeping for a month.
The fact that is a boiling hot day, we have not yet had rain so everywhere is dusty , and i am blown up like a ballon because of the heat, i think has a lot to do with it.
I have not had a day where i could take it easy in weeks, even on Thursday which was a public holiday my husband who NEVER makes me tea in bed decided at 4.30 that i needed tea, the fact that i had not got into bed before midnight did not seem to worry him at all, just once............ just once, could i not have been left to sleep........ obviously not...........
So i decided when i got home after the service this morning i was going to do nothing........... and then i did the dishes....... and then i was going to do nothing......... and then i did some washing................ and then i was going to do nothing............. and then i watered the plants that were hanging over there containers shouting........ water me, water me and we are not allowed to water
because water is so expensive so i had to water those that looked like they might pass over to the next world with a bucket.....and then i was going to do nothing.............. and then the dog was really dirty, so we gave him a bath................... and then i was going to do nothing.......... and while i was sitting doing nothing, i was thinking of all the things i still need to complete for the Retreat............... and so i cut some papers filled some dare bags, i made some name tags, i finished three parts of the weekends events........ i finalised the sleeping arrangements................ and now i am going to do nothing.....................
but the dog is sick so we are going to take him to the vet quickly, and then i really feel like going to the evening service tonight
i think by "bucket" is either empty or has holes in it and so needs to be filled.............. and then i have promised myself i will do nothing........................but what about ...................

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