Tuesday, March 16, 2010

50 and growing.......

Jelly on a plate
Jelly on a plate
Wibble wobble wibble wobble
Jelly on a plate

A  long  time  ago  I  heard  that  you  stop  growing  at  the  age  of  16  well,  they  lied.........  you  might  stop  growing  upwards,  but  you  definitely  don't  stop  growing  sideways .........I  have decided  that  i  need  to take  the  perverbial  bull  by  the  horns,  or  should  I  say  the  FAT  by  the  wibble  wobble ....... .... Fat  that  really  disgusting  three  letter  word,  that the magazines  use   as  there  favorite  subject  to  cause  us all  to  fall into  a  deep state of  depression  about  our  shape,   you  can  be  anything,  and  do  anything  and  say  anything   but  you  just  cannot  be   FAT........  it  is   the  ultimate, body sin...........
What  can  I  say .........  the  FAT appeared  all over  my  body  over  night,  it  was  not  there  one  day,  and  the  next  my  skirts  were  a  little  tighter  than  usual,  my  shirts  were  a  little  stretched ...............

I had   always   been  thin,  in fact,  skinny,  so  was  not  looking  out  for  this FAT   monster,  it  sneaked  up  when  I  wasn't  looking......   when  I  wasn't  prepared............ it wasn't  invited .........  and  certainly  it  wasn't  wanted  .........   I  happened  to take  my  eyes  off the  scale  for  a  few  months  and  presto  there  it  was ........  FAT ............ I  put  on  a  few kilograms,    how  many  .. .. well  lets  just  say  that  if  you  measure  it  in margarine  tubs,  you   would  need  a  trolley  and  not  a basket  to  carry  it..............   ugh  scary  thought..

Somewhere  deep,  deep   in  the back    of  my  mind  I   knew  that  I  was  buying  a  bigger  size,  but  convinced  myself  that  is  was  the  make  of  clothes,  clothes  made  in  China  are  just   much  smaller  than  European  made  clothes.............  everyone  knows  that  the  Chinese  are  small  petite  people  ...............  not  Amazon  woman  like  us Africans............
When  my  daughter  went  shopping  with  her  Dad  a  while  ago  and  he  bought  a  XXL  shirt,  her  comments  were  "That  if  he   took  another  X  he  would  be  just  as  big  as  Grandad" .........  enough  to  make  anyone  starve  themselves  for  a  few  months ...............  so  before  I  take  any  X  at  all  I am  going  to take  the  bull  by the  horns  and  lose  some  of  the   Fat.................
My   stomach  is  the  problem,  with  two  caesarian and one  hysterectomy,  my  stomach  looks   like  a  hot  cross  bun, the   muscle  is  gone..........  gone ............  gone...........................  it  is  just  not fair  the  things  we  have  to do  to  our  bodies ...........  I  think  that  men  should have  a  turn,  to  bear  the  children  and  have  the  monthly  red  sports  car................
I  was  an  avid  gym  attendee,  but  over  the past  months   I  have  put  off going  regularly,   and  have  now  paid  the  price,  I  have  made every  excuse  know  to  man........  and woman............  but  the  time  has  come  to  hang  up  the  chocolate, the  sweets,  the  ice  cream  and  put  on  the  gym  shoes................ or  maybe  I  can  get used  to  the  fat ......................  no  Vitafit...............  here  I  come.................


  1. I with you here Sister! I'd love to take the bull by the horns, but my horns are buried too deep in my fat! Maybe we should hit the exercise trail together? Good luck to you! Atleast weighing in kilograms sounds better than our American pounds!

  2. Hello there! I stumbled upon your blog through the Friday Follow over at Mummy Time, and enjoyed reading your posts! Best of luck to you in your weight loss quest - I'm cheering for you!



  3. Hi, found you through Mummytime's friday follow. I think we all tend to get a little jiggly over the years! Stop by and say hi:


  4. Thank you for visiting my blog! I enjoyed your post especially your description of your belly looking like hot cross buns. I look at myself and think how strange I look, but can't put my finger on what I resemble. Hot cross buns is brilliant.
    The rest of us on the path to a smaller belly are cheering for you!!

  5. Hi! I'm stopping by from FlogYoBlog Friday! I really like your post. I agree, men should have a turn with bearing children and the monthly red sports car! Tee Hee!

  6. Hi Karen,

    Found your blog on FYBF. I lived in SA for almost 10 years on and off. I even think that I visited your town. Our house was in the Bedforview area in Joburg. I'm back in Canada now. I will be back. I will click your "follow" button so that we can keep in touch. Its going to get busy shortly in your part of the world...soccer and all. :)

  7. I am right there with you. Every year, I say this is the year I'll get my pre-baby body back. And every year I add a few more pounds. Well, no more. I'm documenting (so is my husband) our journey. We are counting calories and working our way up to an hour a day of exercise. We will take our measurements and weigh ourselves. This is the hardest journey.



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