Saturday, March 27, 2010


Some people come into our lives and quickly go.  Some stay for a while, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same.  ~Flavia Weedn, 
Last  night,  I  realised  how  lucky  I  am ...........  I  have  something  that  money  cannot  buy.................  I  have  something  you  can't  earn ............  I  have  something  that  you  can't  swop ..............  I  have  something  more  precious  than  possessions ....................I  have  something  that  is irreplaceable ............  I  have  a life filled  to  the  brim  with   good  friends.
My "bestest"  friend,  who  i  have  know  since  I  was  13,  who  knows  me  better  than  I  know  myself..............  my  "sister"  friend  who  I  have  known  since  she   was  born,    protects  and  looks  after  me,  like  the  older  sister........  my  "prayer  partner"  friend  who  is  so  giving,  so  full of  faith, an  awesome  prayer  warrior............  my  " never stop"  friends  who  would keep  me  busy  all  day everyday,  they  just  are  so  full of  energy they  never  sit  still............   my  "cell"  friends  who  have  led  me  on  a  journey  closer  to  God  than  I  ever  thought  possible..........  and  lets  not  forget  all the  other  friends  who  are  part  of this  amazing  journey  called  life.................
I  have  been  hibernating  from  my friends, somewhat  over the  past  weeks,  I  have  been  dealing  with  quite  a  lot  of "issues",  due  to  changes  in my  life  I  really  needed  to reinvent  myself,  rediscover  where  I  am,  where  I  am  going,  and  what  I  need  to  take  with  me  on  this  new  journey,  and  what  I  need  to  leave  behind,  but  I  was  happy  to  have  my  own  company,  I  was  happy  to  work  on some  projects  I  am  busy  with,  I  was  happy to  have  some  time  just  for  me.............  no   expectations.......... but  tonight   I had  supper  with my "never stop"    friends,  friends  who  never  stopped phoning  to  find out  how  I  was,  friends  who  never  stopped  asking  me  to  join  them,  even  when  they  knew  my  answer  would  be  no............ and  I  realised  what  an  injustice  I  had  done  to  myself,  not  spending  more  time  with  them  over these  last  weeks.........  we  had  an amazing  evening......  there  is  a  book  called
Eat, Pray,  Love......................  and  that  is  exactly  what  we  did,  we  had  an amazing  meal..........  love  there  style  of  cooking..........  we prayed  thanking  God  for the  food and  the  blessings  given  to  us  each  day............  and  we  Loved,  the  room  was  full of  the  love  that  we  have  for  one another...............
I  realised  that  they  are  actually  not  friends  at  all ...............  they  are  my  extended  family..............  they  are  apart  of  my  life  which  I  could  not  imagine  them  not  being  a  part,  they  accept  me  just  as  I  am  with  all my  "strange"  ways,  with  all  my "weird"  ideas,  with  my  need  to  do  things  "right",  with  all my  warts,  wrinkles  and  baggage................
Thanks  friends........................  Life  is  Good ..............


  1. Even though I live many, many miles away and I can't bring over dinner if you would need it, or sit and chat, I'm enjoying this long distance internet friendship. You have a good attitude that I'm sure helps you in many ways. I'll keep you in my prayers.

  2. I've been reading your blog from my friend "Yaya" above from "Whispering Pines". You are very philisophical and upbeat about life. "Yaya" is MY inspitation and good are right...good friends ARE like stars...and she is always there...I hope you have a good one like her!!



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