Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Well,  I  have  decided  that  I  am  absolutely losing  my mind,  I  am  going  slowly..........  crazy  I  am not  sure  whether  it  is  age...............  or  senility........... or  stress...............

I  love  shoes,  I  have  loads  of  shoes,  and  I  know  I  don't  need  them  all  but  I  just  cannot  walk  past  a  beautiful  pair  of  shoes..........  they  call me.............. the  higher  the  heel  the  better  I  like  them,  I  hate  walking  on flat  shoes,  when  I  walk  without  shoes  I  walk  on my  tip  toes,  because  walking  flat  footed  is  just  so  uncomfortable,  so  even  though  I  am  quite  tall,  I  have  never  been  uncomfortable  putting  on  high  heeled  shoes,  and  looking  at the  world  over  the  heads  of  my  friends,  it  has  its  advantages,  I  see the  empty  tables  first,  I  feel  the  rain  falling  first,  and I  can  see  what  the  hold up  is  at the  front  of a  queue  without  having  to  go  and  ask............
Yesterday  I  got  up  and  dressed  for  work,  I  love  to  wear  skirts,  and  they  just  go  great  with  the high heeled  shoes,  I  put  on the  shoes,  the same  pair  that  I  had  worn  to  church  on  Sunday,  and  something  did  not  feel  quite  right..........  remembering  of  course  that  without  my  glasses  to  see  close  up  is  an  impossibility,  I  put  on my glasses  and  checked  out  what the  problem  was  with  my  shoes.................................

Well  I  was  sure  of  one  thing  they  were  both  black,  but  that  was   where  the  similarity  ended,  one  shoe  had  a  bow  one  didn't,  one  shoes  was a  heel  and  one  was  a  wedge..............  one  was  even  higher  that  the  other.................

and  then  the  realisation  struck...........  I  had  been  to  church,  I  had  been  to  tea  after  church   with  all my  friends,  I  had  been  to the  shops  for  groceries...................  and  all of  this  with  odd  shoes...............  how  can  I  ever  be  let  loose  into  the  sane  world  again........  how  can  I  ever  go  outside   knowing  that  someone,  somewhere,  sometime,  will be  regaling  the  story  over  tea  with  friends,  about  this  crazy  lady,  who  had  on  odd  shoes................    
I  once  had  an ex  model  come  to one  of  our ladies  teas  " An  Afternoon  in Paris" and  she gave  us  fashion  hints...  and  one  of  them  was  that  when  you  leave  home  you  always  need  to  have  the  WOW  factor........  does  this  count..........
And  like  my  "bestest"  friend  said,  I  should  just  tell  everyone  that  the  stange  thing  is...........    I  have another  pair  just  like  it  at  home..........................


  1. That is too funny because I've done the same thing before! The shoes were the same style, but a navy and black. I had went to a minister's conference with my husband for three days and didn't notice the mistake until I was back home unpacking!

  2. Oh this is so cute! "I have another pair just like it at home." - Tee Hee Hee!

  3. First, I commend you for being a girlie-girl and loving the heels...second, I commend you for being able to wear high heels. (I can't go too high...all the years of wearing sensible work shoes I guess) third...hahahahaha..sorry, this story is so funny...only because I did the same thing one Sunday. I was wearing a pair of blue heels (not as high as yours)..during the service my son leaned over and said:" Nice shoes Mom" thoughtful I thought he was being until I looked down and realized I was wearing one blue one, one black one...same style, just different color. Now, I always check my shoes before heading out the door!

  4. You definitely had the Wow factor going on for you Sunday! hehehe

  5. we all at times do something similiar to this. my problem is with wearing the same socks and not blu and black. makes the day funny. rose

  6. Hahaha... that is so funny Karen... i have liked stilettoes but sometimes they are just not my thing. i like wedges more than heels...

  7. Oh how funny honey and so sorry this happened but I too can so relate to this. Mine were not even the same color. lol
    Glad you shared this with us it will make me look twice before going out the door. lol
    love ya

  8. Oh dear. I can totally relate.
    I do like your best friend's take on the situation though!

  9. LOL! I can't wear heels anymore. I think I overdid it in early summer and my one toe still won't let me wear them.
    Great shoes! and great idea to mix and match them!!! You are such a trend setter.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and nice to meet you.

  10. That's fine. Just do the same again next Sunday, only the other way round. That way you even things out. No sweat.

  11. jumping back thanks for your comment on my post re change. i think that to grow we have to move out of our comfort zone. take care rose

  12. I did the same thing this summer with flip flops...different colors entirely!
    Let me tell probably started a new fad! You're probably all the rage! Hold your head up high and know that when all the fashionable women start wearing two different shoes, that you started that fashion! ;)

  13. very funny but I understand. Last year ... around Christmas, I think... I went to a party and mingled and chatted and was very comfortable and had a great time. great time until I came home and started to undress and found out that I had left my breast prostheses in the bathroom....

    Another story. This past winter I was rather tired and not quite awake .I got dresses to go to the farm to feed my calves and worked for about two hours and came home for breakfast and my husband told, "you are wearing my boost, "No I'm not , Yes you are, No I'm not. I looked and there were my boots in the boot tray. How I went to work with a pair of size 12 steel toe rubber boots when I wear a size 8 wide steal toe boots. His were narrow and mine were wide. My shoes are 7 1/2 and wide . I can't explain why it never occurred that I was wearing his boots. I'm only 5 foot 2 inches. Go figure... JB



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