On my patio/verandah i have a small, white, square wooden table and chairs, covered in a green and white striped canvas, it always reminds me of the old deck chairs that you used to be able to buy, the old fashioned wooden ones you used to see in the movies , people used to hire them on the beach, they just give you that "warm fuzzy feeling" of familiarity, of the good old days that have long since gone, i just love sitting outside in the quiet of the mornings listening to the birds, the warm cooing of the doves and pidgeons, the loud screeches of the hadida's the gentle chatter of the sparrows, the noisy hammering of the African hoepoes, there is always that slight chill in the air in the mornings, not enough that you need a jersey, but enough to give you goose bumps from time to time, and this is where i have my first cup of tea, and this is where i do my blogging, for some reason this piece of furniture, this piece of wood, well, it makes me feel that am surrounded by things that love me, it makes me feel safe, it makes me feel like i belong ................
On my verandah however i now have a new chair a present, given to me by my new son in law, a chair he made himself, a wooden chair made from tree branches, surrounded by wire and filled with batting, so that i can fill it with flowers.
Empty the chair looks lonely, sad, it looks like it has seen better days, it looks like all hope is lost that it will never be something of beauty, that it has resigned itself to being this weird looking chair, that it can never be anything more because it is just now worthy.................. maybe a lot of us are like that we are empty, we need and rely on others to make us happy, we expect others to give us the joy that will see us through each day................. but we you see unlike the chair, that needs someone to transform it into a thing of beauty, we can choose ourselves to transform ourselves into a thing of beauty..........
Yesteday my daughter and i went out to the nursery to buy the plants to fill this empty chair, after a somewhat shaky start, because we both had different ideas as to how the chair should look, when it was filled with flowers, i was going with rows of organised colour, and she wanted mixed colour, we found and bought the plants we needed.............. and that is what we need to do, no matter how shaky we are, no matter how different we are, no matter how different we see things, we need to find the "thing" that fills our life, the thing that brings out our inner and outer beauty, the thing that transforms us from "Ordinary" to "Extraordinary" in the words of the amazing Angela Thomas.
I have had the chair for 4 days now, and it is still not filled with flowers, no time, the shops were closed, it was pouring down with rain, there was 101 reasons why it could not be transformed into that special something........................... do we not do the same thing, keeping putting things off, keep
finding reasons excuses as to why we cannot do something, to change something, to improve ourselves, spend time on ourselves, give time to ourselves, you see are we not afraid, that if we do transform ourselves into a "new person" a new you..................... you will see just how much "life' we have wasted .........................
And you see it actually takes no time at all to take something "Ordinary" and change it into something "Extraordinary" ..........................................
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