Tuesday, September 29, 2009


What do you do with a dog like Levy, if you have seen the movie Marley and Me, you might just get an idea of what a Labrador can get up to, he just doesn't stop.
I cannot believe his latest escapade, he was very restless last night, and just could not settle he must have woken me up about 15 times, i think more for company than anything else, he "pretends" that he wants to go to the toilet, so up i get, i "sleep" walk to the door, i open it he goes out side looks around, wags his tail and then comes back in, it is so frustrating,
not to mention, cold, annoying and extremely irratating, but i decided a long time ago, rather to get no sleep than get up in the morning to one of his steaming, smelling, cow size "dung heaps"............. and for some reason i am the only person in the house that has the "power" that can clean one of these "dung heaps " up.............................
This morning, when i left for work, i thought he was walking very funny, and he just did not look right, but there again what is right for Levy, when i got home we decided to take him to the vet, just to check him out, i really did not feel like another night when i am walking up and down the passage like a ghost looking for a resting place, or like a lost fart in a perfume factory, to let him out to "pretend" to wee.
Well a visit to the vet is always a "pleasure" our vet has the driest sense of humour of any person i know, he asked us to wait while he finished counting his inventory, i noticed that the place now looks like Fort Knox apparently they had a robbery there the other day, i mean who robs a vet, how much cash do they think they carry, or maybe they were hoping for some kind of scarce cat or dog that they could sell on the black market...........................
Well the vet checked Levy out and the verdict was he is "pale" how on earth do you tell that a dog is pale.............and he is suffering from shock because he has.................................. a broken tail, yes that is what he has a broken tail............. apparently this is a very common thing in cats and dogs, but i have never heard about it before.......now he could have obtained said broken tail in a couple of ways, the vet is leaning towards it being run over by a car..................... this opens a world of possibilities who was the driver of the car............ surely he would have made a noice if someone ran over his tail.......... i mean what does he do, lie in the driveway with his tail sticking out so that someone can ride over it?? He definately cannot get out of the garden so the damage to said tail had to happen in the yard...................... everyone is eyeing everyone else out very suspiciously................
I must say the vet was of the opinion that it is my daughter because number one, her car looks like it belongs to someone who can't drive, three dents at the last count............. and he actually saw her drive the other day, and confirmed my suspicions that she is a very bad driver, in fact the vet feels that i should actually sue the driving school who taught her to drive because they obviously did not do a very good job................
The second way he could have broken his tail is if someone slammed it in a door or a gate?? Again everyone is looking at everyone else with very suspicious looks................. will we ever know, not unless we can teach Levy to talk........... then get him into therapy............ because you can imagine how traumatic a broken tail must be............ they will then hypnotise him and he can go back to the day of the "deed" and reveal all.............
In the meantime if the tail is not better in 7 days, 1 week, 6 sleeps, then the tail has to go.......................... i wonder what a labrador will look like with no tail, i really hope that we don't have to find out...................

Sunday, September 27, 2009


I am so tired, i feel like the bunnies that do not use duracell batteries, like i have been zooming around for weeks, and now just as i get close to the finish line my batteries are running flat..........
The last month has been really hectic both at work and with all the ministries i am involved in at church. Work was caused by the fact that i only worked 6 days last month, and really needed to put my nose to the grind stone this month, which just happened to be the month when i was really busy with ministries at church, and i have to wonder whether this is God at work or satan, trying to do everything in his power to make sure that i do not have everything ready for the woman's retreat that i am helping to lead in TWO weeks time..........
First it was the new members breakfast, then it was the ladies tea and debate, at the same time was two evening services and today was a service at the Youth camp, i feel like i have been drained of all reasonable thoughts, all inspiration and certainly of all desire to actually do something........... i feel like curling up in a ball and sleeping for a month.
The fact that is a boiling hot day, we have not yet had rain so everywhere is dusty , and i am blown up like a ballon because of the heat, i think has a lot to do with it.
I have not had a day where i could take it easy in weeks, even on Thursday which was a public holiday my husband who NEVER makes me tea in bed decided at 4.30 that i needed tea, the fact that i had not got into bed before midnight did not seem to worry him at all, just once............ just once, could i not have been left to sleep........ obviously not...........
So i decided when i got home after the service this morning i was going to do nothing........... and then i did the dishes....... and then i was going to do nothing......... and then i did some washing................ and then i was going to do nothing............. and then i watered the plants that were hanging over there containers shouting........ water me, water me and we are not allowed to water
because water is so expensive so i had to water those that looked like they might pass over to the next world with a bucket.....and then i was going to do nothing.............. and then the dog was really dirty, so we gave him a bath................... and then i was going to do nothing.......... and while i was sitting doing nothing, i was thinking of all the things i still need to complete for the Retreat............... and so i cut some papers filled some dare bags, i made some name tags, i finished three parts of the weekends events........ i finalised the sleeping arrangements................ and now i am going to do nothing.....................
but the dog is sick so we are going to take him to the vet quickly, and then i really feel like going to the evening service tonight
i think by "bucket" is either empty or has holes in it and so needs to be filled.............. and then i have promised myself i will do nothing........................but what about ...................

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


What is it, what has changed.... i always enjoyed my job and yet in the last few months, it is almost as though something has changed, for the first time in my life i understand how people feel, when they say they don't want to go to work, i have never had to drag.......... myself out of bed in the morning and yet now i find myself taking 5 more minutes............ 5 more minutes..............5 more minutes..............
I am trying to pin point the exact moment when i started to feel differently.............................. was it in hospital when I was sick, was it because i was sick and had to lie still, i had time to think about what i put in and what i get out......... and came to the conclusion i put in much more than i get out much, much, much more. That i had time to think of my lousy cell phone, my computer without sound, and my printer black and white only that jams every two minutes and eats toner for breakfast, lunch and supper.............. was it then that i started to think that i was getting a raw deal, which i had always put up with, because i am the better person, because i didn't want to upset the apple cart, because i am a Christian and my faith makes me want to endure some kind of hardships...............
Was it when i was at home for the week, when i still could not do much, but play around on the computer, read and write these blogs................
Was it when i went on the QAD training and realised that everyone had heard of me, everyone knew who i was because, they were being told constantly that they needed a debtors book like mine, that they needed to get information from me, how i did it, that they wanted me to go down to their branches and help them.......................
Was it when i heard i had the best days, over 90 days and best cashflow in Omnia................ and why, why do i push myself, why do it bother, it is sometimes like i am the only one who cares, and i am hitting my head against a brick wall............ is it worth it......................... do i want to be in the secular world, or should i be looking at something more rewarding, some where i can make a difference ....................... can i even change now would the shock be to great for this old heart.................
Why was i born in a time, when we were taught to always do our best no matter what, to always give all that you can, and be the very best you can be, that you must be loyal to your company and treat everything as though you were doing it for yourself................... why could i not be born in a time, when tomorrow was another day, when you did what you needed to get through the day, and if you messed up some "fairy godmother" would come and wave a magic wand and make it all right...
Why do i knock when i enter or room, or wait until the person is off the phone before i enter, why do i wait to be asked to be seated before i sit down................... why do i let me elders go first ( although they are becoming less and less as i get older)......
why do i say excuse me when i go between two people talking in the passage......................... why do i say please and thank you when someone does something for me, why do i greet when i go into an office..................... Why am i feeling like this................

Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Great Debate

I am not sure, what "mad" moment fills me with the need to organise a ladies tea, i am not sure if it is the power of getting everyone together, or the organising everything so it works like clockwork, or the fact that it completely takes me out of my comfort zone, i have never been a tupperware and tea party lady, but Christ has other ideas for me, he just keeps on pushing and pushing until i am not sure anymore what my comfort zone is, and he just lays these mad ideas across my heart and i just know that it will succeed.
Today was The Great Debate Tea, it was all based on a newspaper theme, everyone had a newspaper, a note pad and a pencil, we started off the day with a quizz, just to break the ice and get everyone to relax, i gave everyone a list of questions to answer, all answers were to be found in the newspaper, some times in the adds, in the classifieds and sometimes in the headlines of stories, in the beginning it was very quiet as people were taken out of their comfort zones, but as the minutes passed the "buzz" increased, the talking and laughter began, when i called that it was almost time, what a pleasure to hear that they wanted to continue, they wanted to find all the answers, they were having FUN, they were bonding getting to know one another, helping one another.
Then we started the Debate, i made it quite clear in the beginning, that although my friend and I were debating the worlds side, it was not what we believed, it was just to debate to get the conversations and arguments going....................
And so the first question came up, and we did our world thing..................... we really went to town, in fact one of the ladies said we should have had the TV cameras there our acting was so good............ in fact our acting was too good, one little old lady was horrified at our answers, she just could not understand................. eventually we got through to her that our side was the game, and the bible side was the one that she needed to listen to, she still however kept looking at me as though i had grown horns, and was definately going to a much warmer place than heaven........................
We had the bible table, set up in white, with crosses and religious books, bibles, and wreaths, and bookmarks with deep meanings ................................................
The world table om the other hand, we had set up in black, with Heat magazines, with bottles of wine, with ashtrays ( which had ash in we had to get the car guard to have a smoke because none of us smoked, he also did not understand) with bottles of tablets, with masks and witches hats................................
We took questions from the ladies, and boy did we get some difficult questions, some of the questions were really deep, and it was amazing how because no one would know who asked the questions how people opened up, how they asked things that they have been harbouring inside for some time, ask questions that were relevant to a lot of people.
It was really hard to be on the world table, we kept wanting to be the good guys, we kept wanting to give the right answers, we kept wanting to give the "white table" replies,, we were blessed by having two really amazing ladies on our white table, two amazing woman who know there bibles, but also were able to read beneath the messages and answer those questions as well........
What an amazing afternoon............................. next tea, Adopt a Granny tea................... see you there............................

Friday, September 18, 2009


This week made me really aware of the fact that i am really fortunate to be surrounded by a whole load of people, who know where they are going, who can make their own decisions, who can get the job done, and who's word it their bond and you know no matter what happens that you can rely on them................
However out there in the "real " world, there is an entire universe of people, who just don't get it ....................it is like there is some important part of their brain missing, the one that contains, their values, their integrity, their logic, and their sense of right and wrong, ................................... a universe of people who would forget their own name, if it had not been repeated to them everyday of their lives since the days they were born................................. a universe of people who will never get anywhere because the actually don't want to, they actually enjoy being "underprivileged ", "unemployed" and poverty sticken, because then there is no expectations, then they can never fail, because then they have an excuse for their situation.
A world of people that sleep their lives away, probably because they would bore themselves to death, if they had to spend any more time with themselves, that being the case i understand why they sleep so much, what would be the point in getting up in the morning.
What happened to the times just a generation ago, when a handshake was a persons word, and was accepted as a binding contract, what happened to us as a people.........................what happened to us as the next generation.......................what happened to having faith in your fellow man................. where did we become a society that has to have everything we do in triplicate, your initials on every page, counter signed by a commissioner of oaths, just to prove, that you did everything in triplicate, that you did initial every page, before the commissioner of oaths.......................who if we are going to be brutally homest in the majority of cases, is an almost illiterate baffoon, that neither has manners, intellegence or in 100 % of the cases a pen with which to sign the documentation as the commissioner of oaths, a species of human, who have to pick there noses in order to engage their brains ................ who inform you that they are hungry...................... or thirsty..................... or cold..................... why would we care...................they are there to do a job..................... they are paid to do a job....................... in fact i pay them to do a job................................. and then still have to feed, water and pen them to get the job done.....................where did we lose the plot..........................

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Missed Link

Today was one of those day, when I had a hundred and one things to do, but nothing would go quite as i had planned it. It is funny how somehow my "bad" days are linked to with my "bad" hair days, this morning when i had finished my hair i realised with horror that i had not put on any gell, and so i had flat hair all day, and as much as i did not want to think about it, deep down.................. i knew it would be one of those days.....................
The two ladies from my filing room did not arrive at work, one was sick " again" , and one missed her lift the fact that i know that she gets picked up at home did not occur to you, how do you miss your lift from your own front
door.......................................... maybe someone changed it over night.............. maybe those little monkeys came when she was asleep and moved her to a big field in the middle of the woods........................... or maybe she ended up on sock island looking for her missing sock....................... or maybe she was abducted by aliens and they dropped her off at someone else's house by mistake....................................
I did have a good laugh at one point, the only guy who works for me, slithered into my office, i showed him i was on the phone, but he could not wait, he said he needed to go home,. because he had messed, no problem he lives like 5 minutes away, when he came back i asked him what he had messed assuming that it would be a cup of coffee or some water or some coke in fact i assumed he had messed anything except what he had messed, i have to get his words exactly right.................." I was taking a leak, and i realised i wanted to have a fart, i was alone in the bathroom so let one rip.............. except it was not only air that came out.................. i realised i had a problem when i felt something warm running down my leg" well that was certainly more information than i needed but i laughed for about 10 minutes, and now everytime i look at him i have to try and keep the images out of my head.................... yes i know it is going to take a while to win that one.
My biggest frustration of the day was the care givers that the organisation i work with is sending for training. I have for two weeks, been making all the arrangements for 12 ladies to get into a taxi and go to Alberton every day for 3 weeks, the taxi was organised no problem, he phoned the ladies to discuss pick up points no problem............ the fact that the transport is costing us more per day than the actual training is a problem which i am still trying to sort out.
Monday was day one................. of the 12 ladies only 9 arrived the others had something else they needed to do, this is after 4 frustrating phone calls, making sure that they would be available, making sure they had id documents making sure they had grade 10 certificates, making sure they could understand English............... the verdict is still out on that one.......................
Today was day 2 this afternoon i was phoned by the people who are running the course to say that two more ladies had come this morning whose names were not on the list.............. I got hold of the taxi driver and his words were and again i need to get his words exactly right................ " I had place on the taxi and they had nothing to do so we took them with us"............................... What happened to asking, what happened to finding out if it was okay, what happened to manners................ what happened.................. did they even consider who was going to pay for it, which is what the people doing the training were worried about.
I don't think that we need to worry about the missing link as much as we should be worrying about the missed link.............................

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Why is so hard, why is it that it takes so much to make us stop and look at our lives, stop and look at the mistakes we have made. And what do we do when we realise that we are the one who through our own inability to see what is happening around us, gets to a place in our lives where there is just no going forward without changing everything you have known everything that you have worked for, and everything you have believed in for as long as you can remember...........................
Life knows what is happening................................ it tries to warn us , it tries to tell us what is going to be, but we walk with blinkers on, because it is just to dangerous to look beyond the now, to look at what can be, to look at what should be, to look at what we deserve to be, so life takes things into its own hands, it throws a rock, it throws a rock, and then it just flattens you with a 1 ton boulder to get your attention............................... and you know no matter what the time has come to take your life back, to take back what you have given to others with nothing in return, to take back you from the darkness which surrounds you like a thick mist......... blinding you from what you know you need to do.
Tonight i had a long conversation with someone who is very close to me someone who i have admired for as long as i can remember, someone who taught me about table decorations, and how to present food, how to bring up children, someone who i tried so hard to be like, when i first met her i was a little in awe of her, she has such presence, such self assurance, someone with so much class, with so much taste, someone who is interesting to talk to, who cooks like a master chef, who can grow anything that is green, someone who appreciates the finer things in life because that is what she was used to, that is what she expected from life and that is what she deserves to have.............. .......... someone who has reached the end of her rope, someone who is prepared to give up everthing she has, everything she has ever worked for, because she is not prepared to lose her dignity, not prepared to sacrifice her pride, not prepared to end up like the people who are part of her life, living from day to day, each day drinking more and more, not seeing the spiral that is becoming their life, not seeing there is nothing left, , no warmth, nothing to talk about, nothing to share with one another, nothing........................
What a big step........... what courage................. but she can hold her head up high she is not prepared to sacrifice one more day of her life to people who are not worthy to be a part of it......................
What an example, what a lesson for me to learn...................... before the rock hits home..........................

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Spring is in the air, you can almost taste it, the rain we had last week washed everything clean, the trees are showing off there new green leaves, and the fruit trees are covered with the a blanket of pink snow, and we know that this is its promise of fruit in a few months time. Although the early mornings and evenings remind us that winter is not completely over the warmth of the days are sending us outside into the gardens , onto the verandahs, and out into the world that we have been hiding from during the winter months, it has given us hope that new life is on its way.
It is the time of the year when you start thinking about your life, and where you are going, the coldness of the winter in your life is gone, no matter how hard you try you can't hold on to it, life moves on with or without you, we think about the hurt, the worry, the darkness of the mornings and the evenings is symbolic of how we have been hibernating our feelings over the past months, not knowing what the future holds, with the bleakness of our surroundings we seem to view everything on a negative basis, there seems to be no beauty in the world everything seems to be grey and dead, just like our hope.............. and then almost overnight the warmth of the Spring days brings with them the prospects of happiness, spiritual growth, hope but most of all the promise of love........................
And then there is the Spring Cleaning, why do they call it that........... ...............it is not as though that is the only time of the year that you REALLY give your house a good clean, i think that Spring cleaning is much more than cleaning house it is almost a spritual cleansing, getting rid of all the old rubbish, getting rid of the cob webs, getting rid of all the stuff that you haven't used all year, it is almost a cleaning ritual, making everything shiny again, everything glowing with the cleaning that it has received, everywhere smelling like polish and bleach, and at the same time when we are in the frenzy of cleaning subconsiously we are clearing out our hearts of all the regrets, clearing out all the people who have hurt us in the past year, clearing out all the bitterness of dreams that have been crushed and desires that have not been fullfilled.
As we clean up our material lives, so we are cleaning up our spiritual lives out with the old and onto the new, you see every Spring we are given a new chance, a new live, a new season to try again, with the new season we are given a chance to make new friends, to dream new dreams and to fulfill the desires of our hearts, but most of all we are given the chance to be the best we can be..................................................because that is what God created you to be.


Thanks for popping in to my blog, i hope you enjoy reading it as much as i enjoy writing it, please pass it on to friends and family, and leave a comment to let me know that SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE, SOMETIME is reading it...