I'm a brave , brave mouse I go marching round the house
And I'm not afraid of anything. For danger I'm prepared,
And I'm never scared, Never sacred?
I'm not afraid of anything.
by Betty Misheiker
This morning when I got up, Peroni was in mouse catching mode underneath the bookshelf in the passage, after very careful investigation I realised that the mouse had gone behind the bookshelf and was hovering in no mans land between the wall and the shelf.
It was one of those candid camera moments never to be repeated ......as I moved the bookshelf the mouse dropped, I ran screaming, jumped on the bed just in case the mouse attacked me ........
I mean it was all of 6 cm long and a wild animal .......... okay i am scared of mice ...... all hell broke loose, as books and ornaments went flying in all directions the war between cat and mouse was on ........ as I stood on the bed I could only imagine from the noise what was going on, but I was sure... that the one I was backing to win this "Cat versus Mouse" contest would be victorious .........and then there was silence ..............
When I was sure that both cat and mouse were gone, I ventured from my place of safety on top of the bed feeling ridiculous I mean we are talking mouse here........... I carefully tiptoed through the house and checked for signs of cat or dead mouse nothing ............
As I came onto the veranda there was the cat with the mouse in its mouth, wanting to bring it back inside as a present for me .............. I never realised how cruel cats are I always assumed that when they have caught their pray they killed it and ate it....... but to day I learnt that is not so, Peroni turned into a stadisic killier, he tormented this mouse so much I changed who I was routing for, if it tried to escape he would catch in and then throw it up in the air, then he would let it think it had a chance to escape and just as it took off , to what it thought was freedom, then he would grab it again, returning it always to the same place.......
This made me think how we humans are like this, how sometimes we are the cat and sometimes we are the mouse................. how easily we let those who are stronger than us take over our lives, take over what we do, what we wear, how we talk, how we think and in a lot of cases who we are ........................ .which leave me with a problem do I want to be a cat or a mouse.................... am I a cat or a mouse ..................